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Hey! I'm Aurylina. I go to Adventure, a program that stands for STEM, STEM stands for, science, tecnology, Engineering,  and Mathamatics. At Adventure, we do a lot of projects, use of technology, and collaboration with other students on assignments. Also, since Adventure is for 5th - 8th, students here can make and keep friends through out middle school, that way they won't have to start over in middle school. 


In Adventure we use a lot of Technology, in almost every period we use computers to either working on projects or an assignment OR even play educational games. Also, some computers have this program called Adobe, We use adobe to design our games on. In this program we draw out our game and the game background, then we use codes which is used to make the game actually function. 


There is also lots of collaboration work in Adventure. Collaboration work helps students in the future since almost all jobs have collaboration skills.  Also, working in groups often makes the project easier instead of one person rushing to get everything done.  The people in the group can do what they are good at.  For example, if someone was good at planning stuff, and someone else wasn't, but could write very nice, they can or could partner up and help out each other.


   Even though Adventure uses a lot technology, sometimes it can be very challenging.  The projects often take more time than normal classwork.  The assignments we do are often for students to do research on the internet to find answers to questions and learn more about a topic.  Researching can be hard since you don't always get what you are looking for.  Also, working in groups can be difficult if someone in your group doesn't try their hardest. These things make it more challenging than a normal public school, but it also teaches students about how to deal with real life situations.


   Adventure also has lots of events such as student exhibition nights, Student exhibition nights is for the students to present what they have done like projects or independent work. Students also present in front of their class to practice their talking skills and how to present ideas.  This often takes a lot of time to prepare, but it pays off in the end. In conclusion, Adventure prepares students for the future by using technology, presenting, and working in groups.




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